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Our classes are designed to help you have real spiritual and energetic skills to support your ability to thrive. Our events and community spaces are places to relax, appreciate the beauty around you, and find connection with other humans and nature.


We offer in-person gatherings, retreats, workshops, and online classes to support you in exploring powerful tools for healing and creating deep shifts in your life and world around you.

Coming Soon: Psychic Skills for the Apocalypse

A course designed to teach you a variety of tools in the energetic realm that will help you survive, thrive, and alchemize in any situation.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:
🜃 Shield and protect your energy.
🜃 Read for yourself and others.
🜃 Build and strengthen your spiritual support team.
🜃 And so much more.

Whether you’re in a moment of peace and comfort or navigating the chaos of a catastrophe, these are real, practical, energetic tools that can help you influence your physical environment for the benefit of yourself, your family, and your home.


Coming Soon: Landwork - Classes & Fieldwork

Learn to influence the state of a natural physical location by using ancient sacred technologies involving the elements and allying with the spirits on the land.

In this course, you will learn to:
🜃 Purify, crystallize, and fortify your own energetic field while strengthening your psychic sight and discernment.
🜃 Safely and skillfully communicate with elemental spirits.
🜃 Permanently shift and uplift the energy of a physical space.
🜃 Hone in on a location’s magical organic essence and purify the energies present.
🜃 Practice coming into a discerning, respectful relationship with spirits, the land, and its history + potential futures.
🜃 Receive visions from the land on how to support its restoration and humanity’s return to a harmonious abundance.
🜃 Weave the future you’d like to create into a location using water, your will, and your body.


I will be sharing with you sacred and rare information that I’ve acquired and remembered from lifetimes of priestessing, researching, and interacting with earth’s environment.


This is a profound experience that requires deep focus, consistent participation, pure intentions, and love for humanity and the earth.

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